


Synthetic assets protocol on @cosmos


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Update: March 9th, 2022

Comdex Airdrop stage #2 is now complete. The third phase will be distributed after 3 months.

NOTE: If you have claimed the initial 20% of your $CMDX airdrop, you don't need to do anything further; Your remaining airdrop will be automatically distributed to the same wallet every 3-months till completion.

3rd Batch - 8th June, 2022

Source: COMDEX- Airdrop Campaign

Why $XPRT and $ATOM?

Comdex has been part of Cosmos & Persistence ecosystems since 2018 and has been greatly supported by the ecosystem in its journey so far. Therefore, it is only fair that the first airdrops for the $CMDX token are distributed to holders and stakers of $XPRT and $ATOM

How was the airdrop calculated?

The primary purpose of the airdrop campaign is to raise awareness about Comdex among communities. Given the allocation of 12.5% to airdrops, Comdex used the following formulas to calculate the airdrop.

For $XPRT holders & stakers:

For $ATOM holders & stakers:

The chart below shows the distribution of the airdrops to different wallets based on their $XPRT balances.

As you can see, the cap for the maximum eligible $CMDX was higher for $XPRT holders since the PersistenceOne community has been highly supportive of Comdex since its early days. The distribution maximizes the ratio of airdrop to wallet balances for the smaller to mid-sized wallets. This was done to encourage further adoption from a thriving group within the community. The marginal increase in the distribution of $CMDX decreases as the wallet balances increase. This is done to ensure that a significant portion of the airdrop reaches those bound to drive early adoption on Comdex.

The chart below shows the distribution of the airdrops to different wallets based on their $ATOM balances.

Notably, there is a significantly more significant number of $ATOM wallets than $XPRT wallets, and, naturally, the mechanics of the airdrop be different. We followed similar mechanics within the $ATOM community, where the marginal increase in $CMDX airdrop is higher for lower wallet balances. The marginal increase in $CMDX airdrop then declines after a certain wallet balance to cap the max airdrop. The maximum eligible airdrop in $ATOM holders is 1,000 CMDX.

This distribution mechanism accounts for varying dynamics of the networks with regards to staking, wealth distribution, and data availability. A higher weightage was assigned to the staked $ATOM balances to incentivize stakers who help secure networks.

What are the eligibility criteria for the airdrop?

Below are the criteria we followed for the airdrop-

  • A minimum wallet balance of 1 token (of the network to which the airdrop is being distributed) must be held or staked at the time of the snapshot (Fri 8th Oct 2021 2:30 PM UTC).
  • Balances that were vesting or unbonding at the time of the snapshot are not eligible for the airdrop.
  • Only holders & stakers using non-custodial wallets like Persistence/Kelpr/Cosmostation are eligible.
  • LPs of tokens were excluded from the airdrop.

Are stakers excluded from the airdrop?

Stakers are NOT EXCLUDED from the airdrop; however, the $CMDX airdrop figures displayed on airdrop.comdex.one were incorrect due to an error in the backend. This has since been rectified. $ATOM and $XPRT holders & stakers can check their eligible airdrop now!

Source: COMDEX- Airdrop Campaign #2

Why $LUNA and $OSMO?

Terra being IBC enabled is of profound significance to the rise of DeFi in Cosmos as it now means that the $UST can finally fulfil the need for an interoperable stablecoin within Cosmos. As an effort to reach and draw community members from the Terra ecosystem, $CMDX will be airdropped to holders & stakers of $LUNA.

Arguably one of the biggest catalysts in the proliferation of DeFi in Cosmos is the rise of Osmosis. Osmosis plays a key role in helping realise Cosmos’ vision of an interoperable world of blockchains. As a token of our gratitude to the $OSMO community for passing proposal #71, we will be airdropping $CMDX to the community.

How was the airdrop calculated?

The primary purpose of the airdrop campaign is to raise awareness about Comdex among the $LUNA and $OSMO communities. Given the allocation of 12.5% to airdrops, Comdex used the following formulas to calculate the airdrop.

For $LUNA holders & stakers:

For $OSMO holders & stakers:

The chart below shows the distribution of the airdrops to different wallets based on their $LUNA balances.

The chart below shows the distribution of the airdrops to different wallets based on their $OSMO balances.

The distribution maximizes the ratio of airdrop to wallet balances for the smaller to mid-sized wallets. This was done to encourage further adoption from newer members of the ecosystem. The marginal increase in the distribution of $CMDX decreases as the wallet balances increase. This is done to ensure that a significant portion of the airdrop reaches those bound to drive early adoption on Comdex.

What are the eligibility criteria for the airdrop?

Below are the criteria we followed for the airdrop-

  • A minimum wallet balance of 1 token (of the network to which the airdrop is being distributed) must be held or staked at the time of the respective snapshots (Fri 8th Oct 2021 2:23 PM UTC for airdrop to $OSMO and Thu 30th Sept 2021 7:00PM UTC for $LUNA).
  • Balances that were vesting or unbonding at the time of the snapshot are not eligible for the airdrop.
  • Only holders & stakers using non-custodial wallets like Persistence/Kelpr/Cosmostation are eligible.
  • LPs of tokens were excluded from the airdrop.