EvmoSwap is a AMM DEX on the #Evmos Chain
- $EVMOS, $ATOM, $OSMO, $JUNO, $SCRT, Terra communities - dates/details TBD
- early supporters, testnet participants, LP providers
- Total % of Airdrop: 2.3% (11,500,000 $EMO)
EvmosSwap aims to be the go-to DEX, on the $EVMOS Chain
Source: EvmoSwap Airdrop Allocation
..we are glad to announce our airdrop allocation and criteria. The EvmoSwap airdrop allocation covers early supporters, eligible testnet participants, the Evmos community, and the Cosmos ecosystem, including Osmosis/Juno/Secret Network/Terra communities.
See the respective airdrop allocation and criteria below;
1. Early community supporter
2. Testnet participants
3. EvmoSwap early liquidity providers
4. Evmos community
5. Cosmos/Osmosis/Juno/Secret Network
6. Terra community
Note: We will release announcements on the method of distribution and claim soon. Until then, stay tuned and keep supporting.