Evmos Exchange Swap (AMM)
Updated March 5, 20202:
Staking at least 200 $AKT at the time of the snapshot. Snapshot: March 4th, 2022
Staking at least 10 $ATOM at the time of the snapshot. Snapshot: February 23rd, 2022
Staking at least 30 $OSMO at the time of the snapshot. Snapshot: February 23rd, 2022
LPs of at least 5 $ATOM + 15 $OSMO
Source: Exswap: Incoming Airdrops
Staying true to the Cosmos ecosystem we’re happy to announce we’ll be airdropping a hefty 20% of our total token supply to various communities!
The airdrops will come in waves once our token is released. We have no specific date at the moment for our token launch or airdrops as it’s still extremely early for the Evmos ecosystem. We’re taking things day by day right now, but we estimate the token launch and the majority of our airdrops within the next few weeks.
If you aren’t familiar with Exswap you can read about who we are and what our plans are here and check out our tokenomics and why you want to hold our token EX here. Our goal is to be the #1 AMM and the go-to DeFi hub for the Evmos ecosystem and our token EX will be used for governance and rewards holders with a share of exchange revenues.
We’re including an airdrop to the Injective community to show our appreciation for their early support of our protocol. The Injective community is looking to carry out a spot listing for our token EX at launch to enhance liquidity and will support bridging to and from Evmos.
The snapshot was taken March 1st @ 10:00am UTC.
We admire what Akash has done for the blockchain industry and the Cosmos ecosystem as a whole. To show support for Akash and the Web3 revolution we’ll be airdropping a portion of our token supply to validators of the Akash Network.
The snapshot was taken March 4th @ 3:00pm UTC. Block height 4935100.
A portion of our airdrop will go to the Cosmos and Osmosis communities. The airdrop will go to both ATOM stakers and OSMO stakers, as well as ATOM/OSMO LPs.
We’ll be airdropping the Terra community in the future post-launch. We’re big supporters of Terra as they’ve done a lot for the Cosmos ecosystem. Terra will be a big support to Evmos by helping bootstrap liquidity and we aim to use UST as our primary stable pair on Exswap.
The criteria and snapshot for this airdrop is still TBD.
It’s only fitting that our largest airdrop (excluding Discord) will go to the Evmos community. We want to reward the early users who contribute to the growth of the ecosystem through exploring and using different protocols.
The criteria and snapshot for this airdrop is still TBD and will come in the future post-launch.
We’re setting aside some of our token supply to reward early Exswap users. The most important thing to ensure our success is community support through providing liquidity and using our exchange for your swapping needs. We hope this will incentivize additional use of our protocol and we’re happy to reward early users for helping us grow.
This airdrop will come in the future. The criteria and snapshot are TBD.
A massive portion of our token supply will be given to our Discord community. We’re nothing without the community, therefore we’re happy to give back and incentivize users to stick with us.
We created Exswap with the vision of it being a true community project and plan on moving to a DAO model in the near future. We’ve thought long and hard about the best way to incentivize the community to contribute to the project and be our own ambassadors — That’s why we’ve decided that for the community airdrop the tokens will be vested on the same linear 12 month schedule as the team. We believe this will keep the community actively engaged in the success of Exswap.
But wait… There’s a twist…
Any early sellers will forfeit the remaining unvested portion of their tokens back to the pool to be distributed evenly at the end of the 12 month period to members that wait to claim.
After three months your tokens are 25% vested and you decide that you want to sell. You can claim your vested tokens, but the remaining 75% of your tokens which are still unvested are distributed to the pool to be split among the remaining members at the end of the 12 month period.
More details to come. Currently eligible $ATOM, $OSMO stakers, and $ATOM/$OSMO LPs. Snapshot done on February 23rd, 2022.
Source Tweet:
The Exswap launch is almost here.
an airdrop might have been mentioned also... 👀
Stay updated by following our Twitter and checking out our Medium article!⬇️https://t.co/Wiupp9QsTP
— Exswap (@Exswapdotxyz) February 15, 2022