


IBC luck based game platform built on Juno.


Snapshot Dates


Airdrop Size


How to Claim

Check URL


Check URL


You can claim $GLTO #airdrop now:

- IBC luck based game platform built on Juno
- Snapshot details below
- GLTO will be #airdropped to $ATOM, $JUNO, $OSMO, $SCRT, and $STARS stakers and $NETA holders

Eligibly: stake amounts and snapshot dates:

$STARS 1,000 June 16
$OSMO 100 June 8
$SCRT 100 June 12
$JUNO 50 June 11
$ATOM 50 June 13

Check your eligibility and claim here:

A platform for providing access to games of chance over the internet that uses smart contracts to ensure the fairness and randomness of games in a manner that is visible to participants. Oversight by trusted third parties is therefore unnecessary to determine random outcomes and provide rewards to winning participants. Because true randomness does not exist in a computational setting, seed values may be used as inputs to a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). These seeds, which are affected by the actions of different individuals at different times, may introduce entropy into the system, which may in turn be used to determine winning participants in a fair and random manner. Source: Gelotto: Cryptocurrency-Based Games of Chance Governed by Smart Contracts

GLTO will have a total supply of 420,690,000 tokens.

60% of this supply (252,414,000 tokens) will be distributed via airdrop.

List of all qualified wallet addresses for airdrop


Owner Percentage Toal Note
1st Airdrop 60% 252,414,000 Fairdrop ATOM/JUNO/OSMO/SCRT/STARS/NETA
LP Provider 15% 63,103,500 JunoSwap & Frontier
Gelotto Game Fund 15% 63,103,500 Provide extra incentive for games
Dev Team 10% 42,069,000 Vesting over 3 years
Total 100% 420,690,000

Airdrop Requirement

Asset Staked Amount Needed
OSMO 100
SCRT 100
STARS 1,000
Asset Hold Amount Needed
NETA 0.5

Snapshot Status

Asset Qualified Addresses Block Height Total fairdrop per wallet
ATOM 73,975 10,866,135 568.6921257
OSMO 31,864 4,713,064 1,320.267386
JUNO 22,694 3,473,379 1,853.74989
SCRT 19,564 3,808,375 2,150.327131
STARS 15,937 3,335,390 2,639.706344
NETA 3,843 3,473,617 10,946.91647


Airdrop Overview

Gelotto, launching in August 2022, will feature lottery games for various IBC crypto assets, with other games (slots, blackjack, etc.) planned after the initial launch. Gelotto’s native token, GLTO, will be distributed by airdrop, now expected to be claimable on July 21, 2022 at approximately 19:00 UTC. (The original claim date was July 20, but the development team is investigating issues successfully claiming the airdrop with Ledger wallets.)

Airdrop Qualifications

GLTO will be airdropped to ATOM, JUNO, OSMO, SCRT, and STARS stakers and NETA holders. Visit the following link to determine your eligibility for the airdrop: Gelotto (GLTO) Airdrop Checker

Airdrop qualifications may be checked by connecting a Keplr wallet at the above webpage, or optionally, individuals may enter their JUNO and SCRT wallet addresses manually to check whether they qualify. (SCRT addresses must be entered separately due to a different manner in which SCRT wallet addresses are derived – see the “Special Procedure for Secret (SCRT)” section below.)

Claiming the Airdrop


On July 21, 2022 at approximately 19:00 UTC (moved forward from July 20), the GLTO airdrop will be able to be claimed at the same website listed above.

The claiming process is expected to be relatively simple: Click a button to claim the portions of the airdrop for which a wallet address qualifies, and the corresponding number of GLTO tokens will be transferred to the JUNO address for that wallet.

Note: The transfer of tokens does not account for partial tokens, so airdrop qualifiers will receive the indicated airdrop amount, rounded up to the nearest integer.

Also note: A separate procedure will be used for claiming the portion of the airdrop related to the SCRT token due to the different manner in which SCRT wallet addresses are derived – see the “Special Procedure for Secret (SCRT)” section below.

Special Procedure for Secret (SCRT)


Providing a portion of the airdropped token to SCRT stakers will require a special claiming process.

The manner in which SCRT wallet addresses are derived differs somewhat from the process in which wallet addresses are derived for the other IBC assets included in the airdrop. For example, using a JUNO address for a particular individual, the ATOM, OSMO, and STARS addresses in that individual’s Keplr wallet may be determined using a derivation tool. This enables the airdrop qualifications for those portions of the airdrop to be determined using only the JUNO address for that wallet, and for GLTO tokens for each of the ATOM, OSMO, STARS, and JUNO portions of the airdrop to be seamlessly transferred to the individual’s JUNO wallet address.

However, because SCRT wallet addresses are derived differently, an individual’s JUNO address and SCRT address will not map to one another. This results in improved privacy for holders of the SCRT token, but necessitates a special process to determine the appropriate JUNO wallet address to receive GTLO tokens when a SCRT address qualifies for the SCRT portion of the airdrop.

This process may involve SCRT holders initiating a small SCRT transaction, or manually providing their JUNO address when claiming the SCRT portion of the airdrop. (As a result, claiming of the SCRT portion of the airdrop may be slightly delayed relative to the other portions of the airdrop.)

After the Airdrop – Where to get GLTO:

Participation on the Gelotto Platform

The Gelotto platform is expected to be launched on testnet by mid-August 2022, and available for public use by the end of August 2022. Initially, the Gelotto platform will offer lottery games for GLTO, as well as other IBC assets such as ATOM, JUNO, OSMO, SCRT, and STARS.

Some lotteries may be relatively small and recur on a short timeframe, such as hourly, while larger lotteries may run daily or weekly.

During the initial phase of the Gelotto platform, GLTO will be added to many of the prize pools to incentivize participation. Individuals may acquire GLTO through participation in various lottery games. (A portion of the GLTO supply has been set aside for use as incentives for games on the platform. See the following link to the Gelotto Whitepaper: Gelotto Whitepaper)

Liquidity Pools on Osmosis Lab and Junoswap


Approximately 1-2 weeks after the airdrop, liquidity pools will be created on Osmosis Lab (frontier.osmosis.zone) and Junoswap (junoswap.com) to enable GLTO tokens to be acquired and exchanged.

These liquidity pools will offer additional GLTO incentives to liquidity providers to ensure sufficient liquidity for the GLTO token. (A portion of the GLTO supply has been set aside for use as liquidity pool incentives. See the link to the Gelotto Whitepaper above.)

Future Roadmap


After the launch of the Gelotto platform, future expansions are intended for additional games (slots and blackjack expected by August 2023).

At that time, the ability to stake GLTO tokens to act as “the house” in games of blackjack will be offered, enabling investors to earn (or sometimes lose) variable amounts of rewards over time. (The odds are in favor of the house, so over time, staking in this manner is statistically expected to generate yields, similar to traditional staking, but with variable amounts due to the gambling nature of the Gelotto platform.)

Gelotto also intends to offer weekly “mega jackpots”, for which tickets may be earned by participating in various combinations of regular lottery games throughout the week, such as by completing weekly participation “missions”.

Additionally Gelotto plans to offer an annual Grand Prize event (first grand prize event expected August 2023), in which holders of significant amounts of GLTO tokens will be provided with secondary assets that may be used to unlock lucrative prizes worth up to 50,000 USD, with an intended grand prize of 10-100 Bitcoin. (See the following link: Gelotto Grand Prize Games)

Source: Gelotto (GLTO) Airdrop – Updated Claim date 7/21 (moved from 7/20 due to issues claiming using Ledger wallets)