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$SCRT: 20 $JUNO: 10 $ATOM: 10 2x airdrop bonus for those staking with Jackal Protocol $SCRT validator

Snapshot Dates


Airdrop Size


How to Claim

Check URL


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If you were eligible for the $JKL airdrop your $JKL is in the wallet: there is no claim. Simply head to https://frontier.osmosis.zone/, find $JKL and hit Deposit.


Stake $JKL with Airdrops.one: Restake Ping.pub

Source: Airdrops

~5,000,000 $JKL to be airdropped.

Staking Details

  • Secret ($SCRT), Atom ($ATOM), and Juno ($JUNO) stakers are eligible for receiving the JACKAL airdrop.
    • Minimum requirement of 20 $SCRT staked to be eligible for the JACKAL airdrop.
    • Minimum requirement of 10 $JUNO staked to be eligible for the JACKAL airdrop.
    • Minimum requirement of 10 $ATOM staked to be eligible for the JACKAL airdrop.
  • DEX LP staking is not included in the airdrop eligibility on any network.
  • Exchange validators and delegators will not be eligible for the JACKAL airdrop.
  • The airdrop equation will not be revealed until after all of the snapshots are complete.
  • A full JKL economics paper will be released prior to the April 9th snapshot.

There will be a 2x airdrop bonus for those staking with the **jackaldao.com** SCRT Network validator.


Snapshot Details

  • The snapshot will begin on April 9th, 2022 at 1:00 PM EST.
  • Users will have 21 Days (03/19-04/09) to prepare for the snapshots.

Stake $JKL with Airdrops.one: Restake Ping.pub