


Kleomedes is a validator whose operations will be fully governed by the $KLEO token. Users will receive KLEO rewards on a regular basis for delegating with our validator.


Snapshot Dates


Airdrop Size


How to Claim

Check URL


Check URL


$KLEO is a governance token for Kleomedes DAO, therefore the airdrop snapshot only includes users who delegated with the Kleomedes validator. Snapshot details and eligible networks can be found here.

Claim Date: Monthly beginning on 7/25/2022

Expiration Date: 8/31/2023

To check eligibility, please visit: https://check.kleomed.es/ 

To claim the airdrop, please visit: https://dashboard.kleomed.es/airdrop

Please be aware, any users who do not claim their allocation by the end of each stage will have their $KLEO tokens clawed back to the community fund. You will need to claim your tokens every month for 12 months to receive your full allocation. After claiming, you will need to manually add the $KLEO token to your Keplr wallet. Please follow our guide.


If you delegated on #KAVA, #Desmos, #Lum or #Vidulum -- you must process a magic transaction to assign a $JUNO address for your airdrop. You may do so by visiting this link: https://dashboard.kleomed.es/magic/ 

Users who do not process a magic transaction before Stage 2 (August 25th), will have their allocation clawed back to the community fund. We will add all users who process a magic transaction to our next stage, and they will receive their airdrop from both Stage 1 and Stage 2 during Stage 2.

We are planning to launch our governance dApp and staking for $KLEO in September, and then we will list $KLEO on Junoswap so users may buy or sell tokens.