


Brings random beacons to Cosmos blockchains without compromising security or usability by leveraging drand and IBC.

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How to Claim

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Go to claim URL: https://randdrop.nois.network/
To claim you roll the dice and have 1/3 chances to win
If you win you get 3x your base Airdrop amount

$NOIS randdrop is live for $JUNO, $STARS and $AURA stakers

Unclaimed $NOIS will likely be distributed in a new airdrop.


Ready for random airdrop?

$NOIS randdrop for $JUNO $INJ $STARS $AURA stakers from Nois

Snapshots May 20-24
Airdropping 4% of total supply
Unique distribution
Randdrop selects subset of stakers to receive a larger share of tokens
min/max: 4/40K $USD
When? TBD

$NOIS randdrop allocation to stakers of:

$INJ: 4.1M $NOIS

"With this approach, a wallet A staking the equivalent of $100USD on Aura will get the same amount as a wallet B staking $100USD on Injective"

Wallets holding < 4 USD excluded
Selected wallets in the randdrop will receive the amount of $NOIS tokens linear to the amount staked
The linear calculation is max capped at 40K USD per address. Wallet that has $40K will receive the same amount of $NOIS as a wallet staking $100K

"We have gathered the list of stakers at a specific block height in each network. From this list, a subset of stakers will be randomly selected to receive a higher allocation of NOIS tokens. The selection is unpredictable and publicly verifiable, ensuring fairness..."

Check if you are pre-eligible

$INJ: Block 34080000

$JUNO: Block Juno 8372000

$STARS: Block 8295000

$AURA: Block 1002000

If account is listed in at least one of randdrop lists you are pre-eligible
If you are pre-eligible & a randdrop winner (1/3 winning probability) the $NOIS amount will be x3
If your wallet is not a winner wallet you cannot claim any $NOIS even if you are pre-eligible

$NOIS will have a second batch of ranndrop - potential list includes:




Source: Randdrop of NOIS to Juno, Stargaze, Injective and Aura stakers


Original post: April 17th, 2023

Nois is a PoS that "...brings random beacons to Cosmos blockchains without compromising security or usability by leveraging drand and IBC.

...Decentralized unbiased randomness is useful for many different applications, such as:

Lotteries and other games of chance
Cryptocurrencies and financial systems
Voting and decision-making processes
Cybersecurity and encryption

Airdrop or any eligibility criteria has not been disclosed yet - except for the following:

Source: Nois Documentation

Wen airdrop ser?

An investor walks into a bar and asks the bartender if he's heard of NOIS. The bartender replies, "Yeah, I've heard of it. It's a blockchain project that provides randomness to other chains through IBC." The investor then excitedly asks, "Do they do airdrops?" The bartender laughs and says, "No, I don't think they do airdrops. That's not really their focus. They're more interested in providing secure and unbiased randomness for dapps." The investor pouts and says, "Well, that's no fun. I was hoping to get some free tokens." The bartender shakes his head and says, "Sorry, buddy. You'll have to look elsewhere for your free money... Oh wait you look like a random dude... if you are random enough you might be eligible to get one."
