AI Layer 1 for Data Economy & Oracle Services
Per @oraichain the drop is now available to claim. IMPORTANT: in order to claim you have to download a new wallet and import your mnemonic. This is not something that was communicated before.
Until further clarification from @oraichain would not advise to import your mnemonic into anything, especially a new app just to claim airdrop. Always DYOR. Do not share your mnemonic, do not import your mnemonic into anything you do not trust.
The total amount of ORAIX per wallet is divided into two sections:
Section 1: 40% of ORAIX per wallet will be claimable soon after ORAIX gets listed.
Details about how to claim ORAIX from Section 1 will go public after ORAIX Listing event.
Section 2: 60% of ORAIX per wallet will get unlocked & claimable gradually based on tasks on OraiDEX:
Details about how to complete tasks under Section 2 will be revealed later in the future.
There will be a total of 117,000,000 ORAIX allocated to eligible addresses based on snapshots taken for different communities of ORAIX Fairdrop Program, which is demonstrated below:
As each token type differs from the others in terms of eligibility requirements, we apply specific equations (and constants) as follows:
Holders of JUNO tokens that meet the condition (at the snapshot moment) will be qualified for the ORAIX Fairdrop Program:
Snapshot date: at any time until the ORAIX listing event in May
Number of snapshots: 1
You can also find more information about the ORAIX fairdrop for other communities (ATOM, AIRI, KWT, OSMO, LUNA) on our blog posts.
We will capture and create whitelisted wallets which are eligible for claiming ORAIX later. The ORAIX amount each wallet can claim depends on the following criteria:
The holders of OSMO tokens that meet either of the below conditions (at the snapshot moment) will be qualified for the ORAIX Fairdrop Program:
Snapshot date: at any time until the ORAIX listing event in May
Number of snapshots: 1
You can also read more about information for ATOM, KWT and LUNA communities. Details about the fairdrops for other communities within the Cosmos ecosystem will be revealed soon
We will capture and create whitelisted wallets which are eligible for claiming ORAIX later. The ORAIX amount each wallet can claim depends on the following criteria:
Snapshot details for $ATOM holders on the Cosmos Hub:
1. This snapshot was taken on April 15, 2022;
2. This snapshot is only for $ATOM tokens on the Cosmos Hub, including Delegated-ATOM and Undelegated-ATOM;
3. Another snapshot for IBC ATOM tokens on the Oraichain network & in OraiDEX’s liquidity pools will also be taken at any time;
4. Copy your Cosmos Hub address and insert it into this URL to check the snapshot result:
For example:
$ORAIX Fairdrop for $ATOM:
Eligibility criteria - meet either conditions:
Being Native ATOM on Cosmos Hub (not CEXs or DEXes) or;
Being IBC ATOM on Oraichain/OraiDEX
Snapshot date: at any time until the ORAIX listing event in May
Number of snapshots: 1
Details about the fairdrop requirements for $OSMO, $LUNA, $JUNO, $AIRI, and $KWT will be revealed in the near future.
Source: ORAIX Fairdrop for ATOM holders
Launched in March 2022 by Oraichain, OraiDEX is a CosmWasm smart contract-based decentralized exchange with multi-chain interoperability, optimal speed and lots of liquidity options for users. Its governance token, namely ORAIX, will be listed in May 2022 and will come along with an ORAI Fairdrop Program for ORAI, ATOM, OSMO, LUNA, JUNO, AIRI, and KWT holders. In this article, we would like to announce the requirements for ATOM holders on Cosmos Hub and Oraichain.
A snapshot for ATOM holders on Cosmos Hub and Oraichain
Oraichain is proud to be a part of the thriving Cosmos ecosystem and with a view to incentivizing ATOM holders who keep securing the Cosmos Hub & supporting our OraiDEX platform, we are delighted to announce that ATOM holders whose tokens meet either of the below conditions below are qualified to get the holder whitelisted & calculated for the ORAIX fairdrop (at the snapshot moment):
Snapshot date: at any time until the ORAIX listing event in May
Number of snapshots: 1
As for trading & liquidity options for ATOM on OraiDEX, users can swap ATOM to ORAI/AIRI/UST and take part in our Liquidity Mining Program’s ORAI/ATOM pool with ORAIX rewards. We plan to expand the list of IBC and OW20-compatible tokens (such as LUNA, OSMO, JUNO) and open more liquidity pools on OraiDEX while considering ORAI as another bonus for the reward pool.
TVL of ORAI/ATOM pool at the time of writing: ~$321,280
Details about the fairdrop requirements for other tokens (OSMO, LUNA, JUNO, AIRI, and KWT) will be revealed in the near future.
We will capture and create whitelisted wallets which are eligible for claiming ORAIX later. The ORAIX amount each wallet can claim depends on the following criteria:
OraiDEX is a CosmWasm smart contract-based decentralized exchange platform with multichain interoperability, optimal speed, and a lot of liquidity options for users.
ORAIX is the governance and utility token of OraiDEX, and a meta-staking program for ORAI and ORAIX holders. Read more about ORAIX here.
ORAIX Tokenomics:
Listing price on OraiDEX will be voted by ORAI holders in mid April (below is an example):
Staking rewards, liquidity mining incentives, and developer pool will be vested in 5+ years.