


Interchain Yield Aggregation - evolved

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Testnet Users, Legacy LP Vault Depositors, and CL Vault Depositors

Snapshot Dates


Airdrop Size


Subject to Governance - prop going out on Tuesday, there will be a $QSR airdrop.


$QSR airdrop will be distributed in 3 waves:

  1. Testnet Users - Snapshot taken
  2. Legacy LP Vault Depositors - Snapshot taken
  3. CL Vault Depositors - Snapshot NOT yet taken

"If you have token holders that also use the project, you are pretty sure that they are going to vote in favor of advancing the project"

Hear Valentin Pletnev, Co-Founder & Lead at Quasar, talk about Quasar: The Interchain Yield Hub at Cosmoverse