Racøøn will grant access to unique AI generated NFTs on multiple Cosmos chains.
How to claim: https://racoon.supply/airdrop-claim, enter your $JUNO address and click 'Validate'.
Source: Racoon Whitepaper
Fixed supply of 1,000,000 $RAC tokens. Burn unclaimed airdrops after a given period.
Snapshot was taken 📸 We are creating the list of eligible wallets and aiming to open the CLAIM page on our website on Saturday.
What do you want to do with the unclaimed $RAC? Burn all🔥 OR burn a % and airdrop the rest to claimers 🦝 #airdropalert $JUNO #Cosmos #AirdropCrypto
— Racøøn (@RacoonSupply) February 8, 2022