
Sail DAO


Liquidity DAO on Osmosis

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$OSMO stakers that voted on prop 702 and 708; $WHALE holders completing missions

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How to Claim

$OSMO stakers that voted on prop 702 and 708; $WHALE holders completing missions

There are two components to $SAIL airdrop - voting on Osmosis proposals and / or completing $WHALE missions. You can do either one or both. Please note that voting on proposals is already closed.

Osmosis voting:

  • Who is eligible: voting on either 702 or 708; not additive, but max $OSMO voted of either
  • Example: 100 $OSMO vted on 702 and 150 $OSMO voted on 708, so the eligible amount becomes 150 $OSMO
  • Does it matter how you voted? Anyone who voted for either prop qualifies, whether they voted YES, NO, or ABSTAIN

Mission List for the Sail Airdrop on White Whale:

  1. Stake 1k native $WHALE
  2. Bond amp/boneWHALE to our Migaloo Zone Satellite Market (Level 1: 1k/ Level 2: 25k amp/bWHALE )
  3. hold in your wallet: #arbWhale, (Level 1: 1.5k; Level 2: 15K)
  4. hold in your wallet #vampWhale (1k)
  5. Burn $WHALE on the Furnace: (Level 1: 150; Level 2: 1.5k)
  6. Provide 1000 amp/boneWhaleT on Ginkou as collateral
  7. Alliance stake Whale-USDC LP ($100 worth)
  8. Burn 50 Million $GUPPY on the new furnace http://Guppy.burn.community
  9. [Redacted]

Check this thread for a walk through on the $WHALE missions above.