
Tyche Protocol


DEX aggregator, NFT lending platform, and more.

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DEX aggregator functionality makes it possible to provide best exchange rates and slippage across all individual Dexes

A lending platform is made available where one can pledge their NFTs as collateral to obtain money

Tyche NFT holders will get a slice of Tyche token airdrop; in addition to the NFT-as-collateral feature, NFTs can be staked to earn rewards.

Tyche is being developed by an independent GATA Partner team.

GATA team has a share in Tyche token specified for Tyche team in Tyche tokenomics.

A significant share of Gata Dao Zone Team tokens will be airdropped to GATA Delegators on $EVMOS and $JUNO. $NOM - maybe.


Introducing TYCHE protocol

GATA DAO Announcement Part.1