Multichain liquid staking for the #Cosmos ecosystem
$STRD airdrop to STAKERS only: Snapshot: August 14th $ATOM: min 10 / max 4200 $OSMO: min 85 / max 43000 $JUNO: min 16 / max 8300 Snapshot: September 19th $STARS: min 2800 / max 1.2M Snapshot: October 24th $INJ: min 25 / max 26,500
Simply connect your wallet. The system checks the eligibility of all addresses in that account & also checks for testnet reward eligibility.
$STRD Airdrop amounts from addresses in a wallet account are bundled together into one total amount.
Stake your $STRD with Airdrops_one here: Restake Keplr
Simply connect your wallet. The system checks the eligibility of all addresses in that account & also checks for testnet reward eligibility
$STRD Airdrop amounts from addresses in a wallet account are bundled together into one total amount.
3 airdrop categories:
• Host-chain airdrops to $ATOM, $STARS, $JUNO, $OSMO, $INJ stakers
• Switching Cost Rebate Program
• Testnet rewards
$STRD airdrop to STAKERS only:
Snapshot: January 19th, 2023
$LUNA: min 50 / max 25000
Snapshot: August 14th
$ATOM: min 10 / max 4200
$OSMO: min 85 / max 43000
$JUNO: min 16 / max 8300
Snapshot: September 19th
$STARS: min 2800 / max 1.2M
Snapshot: October 24th
$INJ: min 25 / max 26,500
6.3% of $STRD supply to be airdropped.
$STRD airdrop distribution:
$ATOM stakers: 2,200,000 $STRD
$STARS stakers: 20,000 $STRD
$JUNO stakers: 200,000 $STRD
$OSMO stakers: 1,000,000 $STRD
$INJ stakers: 100K $STRD
Amount remaining for airdrops to chains on-boarded by Stride in the future: 1,555,000 $STRD
- CEX validators are excluded
- Will have to perform several tasks on the Stride to claim the full airdrop
- Only staked assets are counted
- Whale cap of roughly $50,000 of a given asset
- Addresses with less than roughly $100 of a given asset are excluded
1. 20% of the airdrop is granted freely
2. The next 20% is claimed by staking the first 20%;
3. The final 60% is claimed by depositing any amount of ATOM with Stride to mint stATOM
Vesting for 2 and 3 begins upon completion of tasks and is linear over a period of 3 months
- Rebate Program is being discontinued, effective Nov 23rd
- 725,000 $STRD has been earmarked for the Rebate Program
- Rebates for months of Sept, Oct, and Nov will be claimable Nov 22nd and will be liquid w/ no vesting
- incentivized testnet & bug bounty; 500K $STRD worth of incentives
- eligible users from the Stride Discord community to link their Discord usernames to their Stride blockchain addresses. Testnet incentives and bug bounty rewards vest linearly over three months.
Novel claw-back and redistribution mechanism for $STRD #airdrop:
Unclaimed $STRD will be clawed back at 3 month post-launch per host-chain. It will then be recycled into a second airdrop, using the same recipient set as the first airdrop.
Source: Stride Airdrop Details
Stake your $STRD with Airdrops_one here: